Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

Read:  James 5:20, Romans 5:6-8, Matthew 7:15-23, 1 John 2:19

Explain what James 5:20 means by “sinner”. How does this relate to being a Christian or not?

What deception does Matthew 7 and 1 John 2 highlight that can take place within Christianity today?

Why do you think this problem exists? How can it be corrected? Who is God prompting you to help?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

Read:  James 5:19, Luke 15

Describe the common theme being presented in Luke 15. What does this say about God’s priorities?

In what ways does Luke 15 relate to James 5:19? How does this challenge your priorities?

How do you typically reach out to the spiritually lost or struggling? Why? What is God teaching you?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29, 2013

Read:  James 5:19, Hebrews 3:12-13, 10:24-25, Galatians 6:1-2, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

What is your role in the spiritual health of other Christians? How does this change your view of church?

Why do you think this is a challenging topic today? How have today’s cultural norms played a part?

How would you want to be approached if you were spiritually struggling? How can you apply this today?

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

Read:  James 1:22-25, 5:19, Ephesians 6:10-12, Romans 7:14-25, 1 John 1:5-10, Hebrews 12:4-11

What battle does every Christian face? How does this explain the possibility to wander away from God?

What is at stake when a Christian spiritually wanders? What does it look like? What usually happens?

What is your experience with this truth? How did you get back on track? How does James 5:19 relate?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013

Read:  James 5:17-18, 1 Kings 18:1-2, Daniel 7:15-28, Revelation 13:1-8

Describe how 3 ½ years is used in the bible. What time in redemptive history does it relate to?

How might James be stating an apocalyptic perspective and encouragement to his audience? Why?

How could you apply this truth to a specific struggle you are facing? Take some time to pray about it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Read:  James 5:17-18, 1 Kings 18-19:9

What strikes you as significant when Elijah encounters opposition from others?

In what ways was he “a man just like us”? How did his pray life illustrate this truth?

How does this encourage you? How do you see this truth impacting the ‘WOW’ factor in your prayers?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24, 2013

Read:  James 5:17-18, 1 Kings 18:41-44, Luke 18:1-8, Mark 13:32-42, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

What is the connection between James 5:17-18 and Elijah? How was he an example?

How did Elijah show consistency in prayer? Why is this important for an effective prayer life?

How consistent are you in praying for the same thing? Why? What do you need to bring back to God?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

Read:  James 5:16-18, Matthew 5:29-30, 1 Peter 2:20-24, Matthew 13:10-15

Explain the different ways healing is used in the bible. How does this help you interpret James 5:16?

Why is this important when it comes to approach and expectations in prayer?

How would you describe your prayer life? (i.e. ‘WOW’ factor) How can today’s truth help you?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Read:  James 5:16, Romans 15:30-33, Ephesians 6:18-20, Colossians 4:2-4

What is the primary difference between James 5:13-15 and James 5:16? Why is this important?

How does isolation and privatizing negatively impact prayer? How will including others help?

How public have you been with prayer requests? Why? How is God encouraging you to change?

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

Read:  James 5:14-16, 4:1-3, Psalm 66:16-20, Proverbs 15:8-9, 28:9, 1 Peter 3:7

Explain the dynamics that take place between unconfessed sin and effective/powerful prayer.

How do you think this has impacted today’s attitude towards prayer? How can spiritual accountability help?

Does this challenge you? Why? What steps do you need to take? Take some time to pray about this now.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 19, 2013

Read:  James 5:15, Mark 2:1-12, 1 Corinthians 11:27-30, John 9:1-6

Describe how sin and sickness were viewed in the Bible. How does James 5:15 make the connection?

What does this teach you about the way God works when we suffer? How can this easily be overlooked?

What balance is important to maintain? How does spiritual inventory relate? What is God teaching you?

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013

Read:  James 5:14-15, Matthew 6:9-14, John 14:14, Matthew 1:21-23

Explain Matthew 1:21-23 in light of the way names were viewed in the Bible. How is it different today?

Why is praying in “the name of the Lord” more than just a way to end a prayer? (c.f. Matthew 6:9-10)

How does this impact the way we view “answered prayer”? Why is James 5:15 not a guarantee for healing?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013

Read:  James 5:15, 1:6-8, 4:1-4, 1 Timothy 5:23, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
What is the responsibility James places upon the Elders when they are praying for the sick?

How can an Elder’s motives, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and faith impact the outcome? Why?

How have you seen “having enough” faith abused when it comes to healing? What balance is needed?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

Read:  James 5:14, Mark 6:7-13, 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Hebrews 1:8-9, Luke 10:30-34

Describe the various ways oil was used in the Bible. How could this impact the way James 5:14 is viewed?

Explain how anointing with oil “in the name of the Lord” clarifies the role and purpose.

How have you understood anointing with oil? Why? How does this ultimately relate to God’s power?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

Read:  James 5:14, Acts 14:21-23, 20:25-32, 1 Peter 5:1-4

Explain the role of an Elder in the New Testament. How does this change your view of church leadership?

Why are Elders called to pray for the sick? What does this imply about the severity of suffering?

What has been your experience with prayer and sickness? How have Elders played a role? Why?

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Read:  James 5:14, Luke 7:1-10,Romans 14:1-4, Luke 5:27-32

As you consider the many ways “sick” is used in the New Testament, what do you think James is saying?

How can this verse be mistranslated? Why is this important? How does context help?

In what way should James 5:14 be balanced with medical treatment? How can you have more balance?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013

Read:  James 5:13, Mat 6:9-13

Itemize the elements of prayer presented in Matthew 6. How does this reflect the balance in James 5:13?

In what way will an imbalance prevent growth in the Christian life? How balanced are you? Why?

What specific marching order is God challenging you to take in 2013? How? When?

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11, 2013

Read:  James 5:13b, Acts 16:16-25

What two things did Paul and Silas do in prison? How did this keep them moving forward with Jesus?

How would you have responded? How would this have impacted your inability to move forward?

Take a moment and apply these truths to a difficult situation you are currently facing. Apply it all day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

Read:  James 5:13b, Psalm 98, 149

Describe the elements included as part of the worship experience in Psalm 98.

Why has worship historically been a point of conflict in Christianity? Why is this sinful and selfish?

What is God teaching you about giving thanks during times of joy? How will you step into more worship?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

Read:  James 1:2-4, 5:13a, Mat 26:36-45

What were the circumstances surrounding Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane?

From a human perspective, did Jesus’ prayer get answered? Why is this important?

How can a misunderstanding of suffering shut down a prayer life? How have you experienced this?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8, 2013

Read:  James 5:13a, Phil 4:6, Col 4:2, 1 Thess. 5:17

In light of today’s reading, how should prayer be included in your walk with the Lord?

How do you see this playing out in Christianity today? What does this say about growth/moving forward?

In what way is God challenging you? (i.e. purpose, frequency, etc.) Take time to pray about your life now.

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2013

Read:  James 5:13a, Jonah 1-2

Describe the situation surrounding Jonah and how he was having a “bad” day.

What primary truth did Jonah express in his prayer to God? How does this reflect James 5:13a?

In what way are you tempted with Jonah moments? What specifically will you start praying about today?