Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015

Read:  Philippians 4:4-7

What is our cause to rejoice in this passage?

How does this passage teach that our heart can move from anxiety to peace?

Make a list of your worries about the future. Present them to God, one by one, with thanksgiving.

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

Read:  Matthew 6:19-34

How does laying up treasures in heaven instead of earth relate to our anxiety level?

What is Jesus’ rational for refusing to worry found in vv. 25-33?

What is at the root of worry? What is the core solution?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

Jeremiah 29:1-13

Where does hope for the future originate?

What promises are found in vv. 12-13? What qualifier is also mentioned?

What consolation does that bring you?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015

Read:  John 16:33

Why did Jesus tell us these things about the future? (see opening statement)

What are the two certainties in the second sentence?

How does this apply to our approach to the future today?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26, 2015

Read:  Romans 8:28-29

What do we “know” according to verse 28? For whom is this true? (c.f. v. 28)

What is God’s purpose found in v. 29 for which He works all things for good?

How does this affect your view of the future?

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015

Read:  Jeremiah 29:1-13

What challenges do you think the people of Judah had about their future in a broken world?

What misconceptions did Jeremiah address to help them?

What misconceptions about God challenge you in regard to the future?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 23, 2015

Read:  Jeremiah 29:7

Think about ways to be prompted to seek and pray for your city, community, country and world.

What new habits might God want to impress upon you?

How about praying for one cultural mountain of influence each day to promote the welfare of your city and yourself?

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015

Read:  1 Timothy 2:1-7

What is God asking His followers to do in verses 1-2a?

Why does God ask this? (i.e. vv. 2b-4)

Pray now in obedience to this passage.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015

Read:  2 Corinthians 5:11-21

What is the ministry God has given to all of his followers in this broken world?

What is your specific job title and description in this broken world?

What are some of the motivating factors mentioned in this passage?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015

Read:  Matthew 5:13-16

What is the point of the “salt of the earth” analogy?

What is the point of the “light of the world” analogy?

What is God impressing upon you personally?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015

Read:  Genesis 12:1-3

Where was Abraham living? Where did God send him?

What was God’s promise to Abraham and the people he would come to live around?

What is my application for this truth about how God wants to use his people to affect their communities?

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Read:  Jeremiah 29:1-9

How is living in a broken world today similar to Judah being sent into exile?

What are the challenges of living in a broken environment?

Is my approach more defensive or offensive in relationship to the “world”?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, 2015

Read:  1 Samuel 2

What does Hannah’s prayer teach you about God, life, control, success, etc.?

How is God challenging you to adjust your perspective? (i.e. as a mom, parent, adult, teen, etc.)

Knowing that Hannah’s prayer is seasoned with joy and contentment, how does this encourage you?

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015

Read:  1 Samuel 1:10, 12-15, Luke 11:1-13

Write down three words to describe the way Hannah came to the Lord in prayer.

Write down three words to summarize the way Jesus describes God when we come to Him in prayer.

What does this teach you about God, prayer, and finding stability? How can you apply this now?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015

Read:  Proverbs 16:3, John 15:7, 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:16

List the specific promises stated in scripture when it comes to prayer. As a mom, how do you relate?

What distinction is important to make when it comes to “answered” prayer? (Hint: the unexpected)

What can happen if this truth is missed? How do you see God answering prayer in your family life?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015

Read:  Genesis 3:20, Proverbs 22:6, 2 Timothy 1:2-5, Romans 16:13

As you reflect on the original God-given role of a mother, what do you see? Be specific.

In what way can a woman fulfill the role of a mother without having biological children?

How can this be an encouragement to all women? How can you be an encouragement today?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12, 2015

Read:  Luke 1:26-38, 46-56, 2:21-35, 41-48, John 2:1-5, 19:25-27

Throughout Jesus’ life we see a unique and special relationship between mother and son. Explain.

What does this implicitly teach about God’s plan for moms and their children?

What is God teaching you about being a mom or the value of motherhood?

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015

Read:  Exodus 1:15-2:10, 2 Timothy 1:2-5, Acts 16:1

How did Moses’ mother protect him? How did Eunice and Lois protect Timothy?

How did Moses’ mother play a special role in God’s plan? How did Eunice and Lois play a similar role?

What does this teach you about the impact of mothers on lives, culture, and eternity?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

May 9, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 6:4, Acts 17:11-12, 1 Corinthians 13:12

In what way does Paul describe spiritual maturity and the way to recognize it?

Why is it important for our children to own their own faith? (i.e., be critical thinkers) How does it happen?

In what ways can parents hinder this process? What is God teaching you about your parenting process?

Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 6:4, Hebrews 12:4-11

What is implied by the fact that “train” and “instruction” relate to discipline and admonish?

From a Christian parenting perspective, how do you see this should be played out?

How is this happening today? How does this challenge your parenting? What do you need to change?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Who does God hold responsible for the spiritual training of children? How has this been delegated today?

As a parent, describe your experience with this truth. Why is this an important issue? What is at stake?

How is God challenging you to take more spiritual responsibility? Hint: It will require using the Bible!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 4:29, 6:4a, James 3:1-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Why do you think our words and what we say to children are so important in parenting? Be specific.

How can parents indirectly be abusive with words? (i.e. exasperate) Give an example.

What has been your experience with this? How can 1 Thessalonians 5:11 help you grow in this area? Be specific

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 6:4a, Proverbs 3:3-6, Philippians 4:6-8

Describe some indirect ways parents can exasperate their children. (i.e. pushing too hard)

What connection do you see between overprotection, comparing, and negativity with exasperating kids?

Why is this essentially a faith issue for parents? How can Proverbs 3:3-6 help? What steps will you take?

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 4:25-27, 6:4a, Colossians 3:21

Why does Paul warn against exasperating kids? (i.e. what is the result?) How have you seen this happen?

In what way have you seen this become a cultural problem? Why should Christian parenting be different?

What lessons do you take from Paul’s warning? How can you be more intentional with your children?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 5:31-32, Matthew 5:14-16, Philippians 1:27

What connection is there between a husband and wife relationship and Christ and the Church?

How does this relate to modeling the Gospel? What does this imply about Christian marriages today?

What is your marriage currently modeling? Specifically, what needs to change for you or your wife?

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015

Read:  Ephesians 5:28-30, Genesis 3:17-19, Proverbs 31:10-31

What was Adam’s primary role in marriage to Eve? How does Ephesians 5:28-30 emphasize the same truth?

What does this imply about a husband’s role? What are the practical implications? Why is this important?

How can this get misinterpreted? How does Proverbs 31 help? What adjustments do you need to make?