Friday, February 24, 2023

February 25, 2023

Read:  John 9:1-12, Psalm 146:8, Isaiah 29:18, 35:5, 42:7-8, Matthew 11:1-6

In what way would the Jews have understood “giving sight to the blind” from the Old Testament?

What does this imply about the secondary message being communicated when Jesus healed the blind man?

How did this perspective help John the Baptist in prison? (i.e., credibility) How does this encourage you?

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February 24, 2023

Read:  John 9:1-12, 5:2-9

What is similar about both healings when it comes to faith and trusting in God? Be specific.

How is this different than the “if you have enough faith” messaging that is taking place today?

In what way has this adjusted your perspective on miraculous healings in the Bible? Be specific.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 23, 2023

Read:  John 9:6-7, Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 5:25-34, 7:32-35, 8:22-25

Explain the process Jesus used to heal the blind man. Why? How was it similar or different to other healings?

What does this imply about how God works? (i.e., predictability) How has this been misunderstood today?

How have you typically approached this topic? In what way does this adjust or challenge you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 22, 2023

Read:  John 9:4-5, 1:4-5, 8:12, Matthew 5:14-16

Explain what Jesus meant by being the “light of the world”? What does this imply about the world’s response?

Why was this important for the disciples to understand? In what way could they have overlooked this truth?

How does this apply to Christians today? Be specific. How will you reflect this truth today? Be specific.

February 21, 2023

Read:  John 9:1-3, Acts 4:13-16, Hebrews 2:3-4

How did Jesus explain the purpose of miraculous healing when dealing with the blind man?

In what way does this relate to the credibility of His message? How does this ultimately relate to the Bible?

How have you seen the healings in the New Testament being misinterpreted today? How does this adjust your view?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 20, 2023

Read:  John 9:1-3, Acts 28:1-6, Genesis 2:15-17

Explain the theological perspective the disciples held based on their question about the blind man.

In what way was their theology the same as the natives on Malta? How can this same perspective occur today?

How have you typically viewed people born with physical infirmities? How does Genesis 2:15-17 help? 

Friday, February 17, 2023

February 18, 2023

Read:  John 8:48-59, Hebrews 4:12

Explain the difference in the two approaches being used by Jesus and the Jewish leaders in their debate.

How does Hebrews 4:12 help you better understand the role of God’s word and how Christians should use it?

Why is it important to understand this truth in today’s lying and manipulative world? How does this help you?

Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 17, 2023

Read:  John 8:58-59, 5:17-18, Exodus 3:13-15

How did the religious leaders respond to Jesus and His “I am” statement? Why?

How do you think they would have responded to anyone else who made the same statement? Why?

What does this highlight when people feel threatened? How does this help you understand what is going on today?

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 16, 2023

Read:  John 8:56-57, 1:1, Genesis 22:15-19, Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16a

Explain what Jesus meant by saying that “Abraham rejoiced when he would see my day”? Be specific.

How did the Jewish leaders respond? What was the spiritual principle about the afterlife they were missing?

In what way does this still happen today? Give an example. How does this encourage you in today’s culture?

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 15, 2023

Read:  John 8:48-55, Matthew 5:14-16

What does it mean when Jesus calls Christians to be “light” in today’s dark world? Give an example.

How did the Jewish religious leaders respond to Jesus when he kept sharing truth? How can this redefine success?

In what way is God challenging you to be a more consistent light today? What steps will you take today?

Monday, February 13, 2023

February 14, 2023

Read:  John 8:48-55, 5:21-29, Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

What does John 5:21-29 reveal about John 8:48-55? (i.e., repeating himself) Why is this important to recognize?

In what way does this relate to Christians today and God’s truth? (i.e., the Bible) Be specific.

How do you typically respond to today’s “up is down” world? How can the Jesus approach help you?

February 13, 2023

Read:  John 8:48-52, 4:12-15

What was Jesus trying to teach these religious leaders about living and dying? Be specific.

How did their response highlight a lack of spiritual awareness? How did the woman at the well reveal the same thing?

What does this also reveal about a non-Christian’s perspective regarding spiritual matters? How does this help you?

Friday, February 10, 2023

February 11, 2023

 Read:  Colossians 1:9-14, Psalm 119:1-16, Psalm 119:105

What are the benefits to those who walk according to the knowledge of God’s Word? 

Why is it necessary to “store up your Word in my heart?” How can you do that more? What will be the benefit?

How can the Bible sometimes be used inappropriately? How does discernment help us use it only in love?

Thursday, February 9, 2023

February 10, 2023

Read:  Philippians 1:9, John 18:15-18, John 18:25-27, John 21:4-17

How did Peter’s actions show a lack of love for Jesus? In what ways have you denied Christ in your life?

List the ways in which Jesus showed love to Peter. How did he restore Peter to his place in the apostles?

How can Jesus’ tenderness shown to Peter help you in how you treat those in your life that are most difficult?

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February 9, 2023

Read:  John 14:1-15, Colossians 3:1-17

How does keeping our hearts and minds set on heaven help us to live righteously today? 

Why does Jesus remind the disciples of heaven before telling them to obey his commandments?

What are some specific things from the list in Colossians that you feel called to make some spiritual goals about?

February 8, 2023

Read:  Philippians 1:9, 1 Corinthians 8:1, Proverbs 26:4-5

Why are knowledge and discernment so necessary in living the Christian life? How does knowledge puff up?

Is the Proverbs passage contradictory? How can gaining discernment help to know when each is appropriate?

How does love help to temper knowledge in the right direction? Do you need more knowledge or love? Why?

February 7, 2023

Read:  Philippians 1:3-8, 1 John 4:7-21

List the ways Paul describes his love for the Philippian church. Does it seem overboard? Do you love like that?

What does 1 John say about where love comes from? If you’re lacking in love, where can you get more? How?

Who requires abundant love or is difficult for you to love? How can you be a conduit of God’s love to them?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 6, 2023

Read:  Philippians 1:10-11, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

What are the goals listed in the Philippians passage? How do we get to that end goal?

What does Paul mean in the 1 Corinthians passage that he could be disqualified? Could you? How?

In what ways can you gain discipline and how can spiritual goals help with that? What will your goals be?

Friday, February 3, 2023

February 4, 2023

Read:  Psalm 119:161-176

Being as specific as you can, make a list of the actions mentioned in verses 161-168. Mark one or two you do well and one or two you need to work on.

Reread verses 169-172. In this prayer, the psalmist expresses both his requests and praises to God. Echo this prayer and make it personal: Where do you need God’s help? What can you praise him for? 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 3, 2023

Read:  Psalm 119:105-120

When was the last time God’s Word helped you through a difficult time? For you personally, how has God’s Word been a lamp and a light?

This passage speaks of suffering and affliction from others. When you hit a roadblock, what is your first instinct? Where do you first place your hope to receive the help you need? What could it look like for you to put v. 114 into practice?

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February 2, 2023

Read:  Psalm 119:89-104

Why does it matter that God’s Word is eternal and stands firm? In your life, what are some temporary things you rely upon too much? When was the last time you were severely disappointed, and what was the source of your disappointment? How might God’s Word become a better substitute?  

Based on v. 100, what is the connection between understanding and obedience? In other words, what is the test of true understanding? What is the test of true obedience? In your life, are there some things you know about God that don’t make a daily impact in how you live?