Thursday, June 30, 2022

July 1, 2022

Read:  Matthew 6:19-24, 1 John 2:15-17

What are these passages teaching? What does it look like to “lay-up treasures on earth?” What about heaven?

What does it mean to love the World? In what ways do you love the world? How can you change that?

What does building the Kingdom of God look like? How are you doing it? How can you do it more consistently?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 30, 2022

Read:  Ephesians 5:1-21

What is significant about this list of “works of darkness?” Which ones do you struggle with most? Why?

How are we supposed to behave instead of these works? How can you pursue those things today?

Why do people who are in God’s kingdom still struggle with actions from the enemy camp? Is there hope?

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

June 29, 2022

Read:  John 3:1-21

What does it mean to be born again? How can you experience it? Are you led by the Holy Spirit in your life?

If the kingdom of the world is at war with God why would he love it and want to save it? What did it cost?

What are the differences between those who love God and those who don’t? Do you see that contrast in you?

Monday, June 27, 2022

June 28, 2022

Read:  2 Timothy 3

Which descriptions of people in the last days do you see most in our culture? Which do you see in yourself?

How do you see verse 7 in our culture? How can you fall into that same trap? How can you protect from it?

How does knowing scripture prepare you for the battle between the kingdoms of God and this world?

Sunday, June 26, 2022

June 27, 2022

Read:  Ephesians 6:10-18

What are we waging war against? What does that war look like? How are you engaging in it?

How do we gain protection and weaponry in this war? How often do you consciously wear those items?

According to this passage, how and how often should you be praying? What can you do differently?

Friday, June 24, 2022

June 25, 2022

Read:  Psalm 25:8-11

Which one is a greater test of your humility: receiving praise or making mistakes and receiving correction? Why? Is there another way your humility is tested? 

Respond to this statement: “Those who know me best, respect me the most.” Is this true in your life? What changes do you need to make?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

June 24, 2022

Read:  Philippians 2:1-5

This passage begins with a list of reasons why a person ought to be humble. Write out this list and pick one that speaks to you. Explain why. 

In your own words, what do “selfish ambition” and “vain conceit” mean? Provide some personal examples from your life when you acted from these motivations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June 23, 2022

Read:  Luke 21:1-4

In what ways does the sacrificial giving of the widow challenge you to be more generous? 

What keeps you from being more generous?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

June 22, 2022

Read:  Mark 10:35-45

In your opinion, why didn’t Jesus confront James and John for wanting greatness and places of honor?  

Why do you think Jesus used strong language (servant, slave) to describe how his followers were supposed to pursue greatness?

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 21, 2022

Read:  John 7:14-19

The Bible says that Jesus was a man of truth and that there was nothing false about him. Integrity means telling the truth, keeping your promises, and doing what you say you believe. Of these three, which one do you personally struggle with the most?

This passage compares gaining personal glory vs. giving glory to God. How do these impact our integrity and truth-telling?

Sunday, June 19, 2022

June 20, 2022

Read:  Proverbs 11:3

What do you want to be known for? If you died today, what would be your legacy?

Which one of the four points was most encouraging for you? Why?

Friday, June 17, 2022

June 18, 2022

Read:  John 4:1-26

As you reread the story of the woman at the well, what specifically stands out to you regarding Jesus?

How did He start the conversation? How did He make spiritual connections? How did He address sin? Why?

What about this story encourages you to be more intentional about sharing your faith more? Be specific.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

June 17, 2002

Read:  John 4:23-24, 10:27-28, Matthew 15:1-9

In what way was Jesus being countercultural to the woman at the well? (i.e., challenging her worldview)

What does it mean to worship in “spirit and truth”? How does it relate to a personal relationship with Jesus? Explain.

Explain how this prevents institutional Christianity. Why is this important to highlight when sharing your faith?

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

June 16, 2022

Read:  John 4:21-22, Matthew 1:1-17, Romans 3:1-2, 9:3-5

What did Jesus mean when he told the woman, “Samaritans worship what they don’t know”?

What was also being highlighted when Jesus said, “salvation is from the Jews”? How was He adjusting her?

Why did she need adjusting? (i.e., prior comments) What does this teach about being a good listener with others?

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 15, 2022

Read:  John 4:19-20, Deuteronomy 11:29-32, 12:5-7, 2 Chronicles 6:1-6

Why do you think the Samaritan woman raised the debate about where to worship when she did?

What does this reveal about her perspective on spiritual matters? What does it also reveal about self-reflection?

In what way can people today have the same confusion about Jesus? How can this be prevented?

Monday, June 13, 2022

June 14, 2022

Read:  John 4:15-18, John 3:16, Mark 10:45, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:13

Given the woman’s positive response to the offer of living water, why did Jesus tell her to get her husband?

What was the woman’s response? How was she dodging the question? What did Jesus say? Why?

In what way was Jesus clarifying the Gospel and what is required to become a Christian? How does this help you? 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

June 13, 2022

Read:  John 4:15-16, Mark 7:31-8:10

Describe why the crowds were gathering and following Jesus in Mark 7. (i.e., the benefit)

In what way was the woman at the well falling into the same trap? Be specific. How did Jesus respond?

How do you see this happening today? Why is this important to pay attention to? What is the answer?

Friday, June 3, 2022

June 4, 2022

Read:  Romans 4:4-8, Matthew 5:3-10

How is a person “credited righteousness”? What’s the connection between works and trust?

How does the beatitude in Romans 4 compare with the beatitudes in Matthew 5?

Look back to the commitment you made on Monday, how well did you do this week?

Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 3, 2022

Read:  Matthew 5:10, 2 Timothy 3:10–12, 2 Corinthians 4:7–12

Describe a time when you were persecuted, rejected, or slandered because of your faith in Jesus. 

How can you use persecution to deepen your faith?  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June 2, 2022

Read:  Matthew 5:9, James 3:18, Romans 12:17-21, Galatians 2:11-14

What is your response or approach to handling the conflicts of others? 

Peter’s (Cephas) hypocrisy led others away from God and created conflict. How did Paul address the situation? How does this apply to our lives today?